Vocational Guidance Centre (Maison de l'Orientation)

What is the Vocational Guidance Centre (Maison de l'orientation?)

The "Maison de l'Orientation" is a structure that regroups all actors dealing with job guidance in Luxembourg. It is composed of:

  • ADEM-OP (ADEM - Service d’Orientation Professionnelle) : Due to its insight knowledge about the reality on the Luxembourg labour market, ADEM-OP offers vocational guidance to persons who want to choose a profession or change the current profession. ADEM-OP organises individual guidance interviews as well as visits to school classes. In addition, ADEM-OP manages apprenticeship placement. In close cooperation with the labor market, ADEM-OP offers personalized services in line with the reality of employment.
  • CePAS (Centre psycho-social et d’accompagnement scolaires): it offers high schools students psychological, psychotherapeutic, and pedagogical support along with orientation interviews. As a platform for coordination between pupils, their families, and teachers, the CePAS identifies the skills of each and actively cooperates with the ADEM-OP in order to offer to students a targeted orientation.
  • ALJ regional branch (Antenne Locale pour Jeunes - Local Action for Youth): it is aimed at young people in transition from school to employment. ALJ provides individual coaching to people who need support in terms of job search techniques, wanting to resume their studies, or having dropped out of school.
  • SNJ (Service National de la Jeunesse - National Youth Service) and its regional center: they enable people, who have doubts about their orientation and plans for the future (hesitating between resuming studies, apprenticeships or entering the labour market) to carry out an internship of a few months. This internship offers the possibility to experiment and to apprehend the labour market while benefiting from a personalized guidance in order to strengthen the person's choice and interests.
  • CASNA (Cellule d’Accueil Scolaire pour élèves Nouveaux Arrivants - Student Reception Unit for Newcomer Students) it aims at young people aged between 12 to 17 who have just immigrated to Luxembourg and who wish to continue their studies. In particular, CASNA provides language support as it has the skills and tools to accompany young people speaking a foreign language.
  • CEDIES (Centre de Documentation et d’Information sur l’Enseignement Supérieur - Center for Documentation and Information on Higher Education): it provides information and advice to young people wishing to study in Luxembourg or abroad.


With its various actors, the Maison de l'Orientation covers all stages of vocational guidance: identification of interests, skills, information on training and professions / job opportunities, support to access training, apprenticeship or the labour market.

In its role as coordinator, the Maison de l'Orientation carries out joint actions throughout the year, such as student fairs, job days, etc. to present study and job opportunities in Luxembourg and abroad.

For whom?

The Maison de l'Orientation is open to any person, adolescent or adult, wishing to receive guidance in regard to school education, studies, or the labour market.

How to proceed

Please present yourself at the reception desk of the Maison de l'Orientation.

A reception agent will inform you and guide you according to your request, towards the appropriate structure.

Supporting documents can then be requested.

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